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time engineering中文是什么意思

用"time engineering"造句"time engineering"怎么读"time engineering" in a sentence


  • 工程时间


  • Signature and seal of the full - time engineer and technician
    三专任工程人员签名及加盖印? 。
  • Full - time engineers who meet the requirements of the professional works
  • Letter of consent for employment of full - time engineer and technicians and the qualification certificate
  • Name , birthday , dwelling or temporary residing address , and identity certificate , signature and seal of the full - time engineer
    四专任工程人员姓名、出生年月日、住所或居所、身分证明文件与其签名及印? 。
  • Full - time engineers or technicians : refer to the engineers or architects who are employed by construction enterprises to take charge of technical direction and construction safety of the works contracted by the enterprise
  • At least 1 full - time engineer who holds a civil , hydraulic , survey , environmental , structural , earth or water and soil conservation engineer certificate or architect certificate , has studied courses related to civil engineering and construction for some credit hours before getting the engineer certificate through exam , and has worked in civil engineering and construction for over 2 years
  • In order to meet customer demand for higher technology , i companies from both the software and hardware was perfect : software , the company ' s major maintenance , i have a full - time engineers university of qualifications , and the formal training through dts , has many years of experience in the maintenance field , and accept constant retraining
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